interfaces History of Human-Machine Interfaces. Part 4. The 2000-10s. Meta-interfaces Smartphones, virtual reality, biometric authentication, blockchain, and their impact on daily life and business. The key moments and milestones in the evolution of human-machine interfaces in the first two decades of the 21st century.
interfaces History of Human-Machine Interfaces. Part 3. The 80-90s. Personal Computers The 1980s set the stage for critical technologies like voice recognition, touch screens, and widespread personal computers, revolutionizing human-machine interfaces.
nocode Flow-Based Programming: the Mastermind behind NoCode One of the basic concepts underlying NoCode platforms is Flow-Based Programming. In this article, we will review the history of development and current examples of FBP-inspired NoCode systems.
nocode A Brief History of NoCode Tools How we got the most powerful computing and creative tools that do not require programming skills.